Tuesday, May 6, 2014

DMN: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute derailed by favoritism and corruption

Read the accompanying investigative report in the Dallas Morning News

Publisher's Note:

By Faith Chatham: May 6, 2014 Today several versions of the same news clip are appearing in this blog because it is exceptionally important. I urge readers to refer to the Bill Slater's story in the Dallas Morning News. Perry Dorrell in Brains and Eggs provides an excellent timeline. Although the u-tube is produced by a pro-Wendy Davis superpac, the content hits the issue square in the stomach where many cancer survivors, (a term for many which means still struggling in living with cancer) and those of us who have lost loved ones to the unwon battle of cancer "live, breathe and have our being!" This is too important to ignore. It goes to the credibility of those we entrust with state funds. It goes to the integrity of those we entrust to oversee state laws. It speaks to the credibility of those who are entrusted to oversee cancer research. It speaks to the credibility (and possibly the criminality) of those who seek higher office. It spiritual terms, "May that which is hidden become seen and known. May those who seek to distort and confound be bound. May those woh seek to steal and destroy be restricted from harming others. May that which is intended for good be directed to its purpose without delay or detour." IN these days of dwindling newspaper resources, corporate mergers and destabilization of daily news organizations by acquisition debts, exceptional journalism still prevails. Special tribute of appreciation on coverage of this story goes to the Houston Chronicle team and to James Drew and Sue Ambrose Goetinck of the Dallas Morning News.

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