Thursday, August 23, 2007

Texas Watch urges: Take Action Today to End Insurance Overcharging

Texas Watch - August 23, 2007

Because of public pressure by Texas Watch, our activists, and other citizens, Insurance Commissioner Mike Geeslin recently rejected a proposed rate increase of 5.9 percent by Allstate.

The commissioner also ordered the company to submit any further rate changes to the Texas Department of Insurance before they could take effect.

This is a good first step, but we must keep the pressure on. Write Commissioner Geeslin today and tell him end the insurance industry practice of overcharging policyholders once and for all by

- Conducting a comprehensive review of Texas insurance rates;
- Identifying companies that are overcharging their policyholders; and
- Forcing the offending companies to reduce rates and refund overcharges to policyholders.

Commissioner Geeslin has the power to stop overcharges, once and for all. Make sure he knows where you stand on this issue by writing him today.

1 comment:

Michelle Custodio said...

Get the trusted people in handling your Austin auto insurance. Worry less and relax longer.

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