Saturday, November 3, 2007

CAPITAL HIGHLIGHTS: Community college health coverage restored

By Ed Sterling - Wilson County News - Oct. 31, 2007
AUSTIN — Back in June, Gov. Rick Perry used the line-item veto to kill funding passed by the Texas House and Senate that would have continued paying for health benefits of most people who work at community colleges. Perry’s veto prompted criticism from community college employees, state lawmakers, students, and students’ families who faced tuition and fee increases to make up for the loss in funding.

On Oct. 23, Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and Speaker Tom Craddick announced an agreement to allocate $99 million for the state’s share of health benefits, a one-time $55 million transitional payment for fiscal year 2009, and the development of an incentive funding program for community colleges.

As part of the agreement, the governor’s office said, community colleges are asked to rescind tuition, fee, or tax increases adopted for fiscal year 2008 and any tuition, fee, or tax increases under consideration for fiscal year 2009 meant to offset the original veto.

Capitol tape case
Closed-circuit security cameras record human activity in the halls of the state Capitol. Texas’ 3rd Court of Appeals heard arguments in the Texas Observer’s attempt to get access to videotape recordings of activity in the back hallway outside the House Chamber on May 23, 2005.

The Texas Observer, a biweekly investigative journal based in Austin, filed a request with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to view the tapes under the Texas Public Information Act, a law that makes most government documents available to all citizens. The Texas Observer argues that it would be in the public’s interest to release the tapes, but the DPS has consistently refused, saying that releasing them would compromise Capitol security.

What makes May 23, 2005, so interesting? It is the day Republican activist and campaign donor James Leininger of San Antonio allegedly met with lawmakers in the hallway when a vote on legislation to allow a pilot school voucher program was up for a vote. The Texas Observer wants to see if the tapes reveal interaction between Leininger and lawmakers.

Now, after many months in the legal process, the matter may take the 3rd Court of Appeals’ three-judge panel days, weeks, or months to rule on the matter.

Early voting
Registered voters can take advantage of early voting through Nov. 2.

Computer users can easily determine polling locations and hours, by going to the Secretary of State’s Web site.

Read more in the Wilson County News

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